Rodent Pest Control

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    Professional Rodent Control Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula & Gippsland

    To get rid of rats and mice quickly and safely, a professional rodent control treatment is generally the best option.

    Rats and mice are not cuddly creatures – they carry a range of diseases and parasites which can be a threat to the health of your family and pets. They also spoil food, cause damage by gnawing hard objects and are a significant cause of house fires by chewing through wiring.

    With our understanding of rodent behaviour, we can get on top of rodent problems quickly and with safety our No. 1 priority to ensure there is no accidental contact with pets or wildlife.

    What our customers think…

    Rodent Pest Control

    When dealing with rat or mice problems, identifying the rodent species present, understanding their behaviour and designing a suitable rodent control program delivers success. Pest control for rats requires a different approach to pest control for mice.

    Rat Pest Control

    To deliver a successful rat pest control program, it’s important to determine whether the problems is due to a Norway rat (also called sewer rat or brown rat) or a roof rat (also called a ship rat or brown rat). They do have a number of different behaviours, but the key difference is that the Norway rat is mainly a ground dwelling rat, whereas the roof rat is mainly arboreal (lives in the trees). Obviously this makes a difference in where you place baits and determining their entry points into the building.

    Rats are also neophobic, which means they are frightened of new things. As a result, when baits or bait stations are placed in their territory, it may take a few days before they get used to them, before they approach these new items and consider eating any bait. As a result, controlling a rat problem tends to take a bit longer than controlling a mouse problem.

    Mice Pest Control

    Mice are relatively easy to control (as long as it’s not a mouse plague!). Mice are very inquisitive and so will readily eat rodent bait and explore traps. The trick in carrying out pest control for mice, is the placement of the bait or traps. Mice do not travel very far from their hiding places, so it’s important to identify their potential nesting sites and foraging routes, before placing the control products.

    Rodent Exterminator Melbourne

    When customers have a rodent problem, they will often do a search for a rodent exterminator, either a rat exterminator or mouse exterminator. However, we at Termites VIC, we always view ourselves as pest managers – we don’t carry out house mice extermination programs but put in place a rodent management program. Certainly we get rid of any rodents present, but management is more about the long term protection from rodents – we identify any underlying conditions that may have led to the problem, locate the potential building entry points and recommend the relevant rodent proofing actions. By putting in place the appropriate rodent management plan, after we have eliminated the problem, we can help prevent a problem in the future.

    Rodent treatments – FAQ

    Types of Rodents

    In Melbourne the most common types of rodents are the house mouse and roof rat (sometimes called the black rat, but actually comes in a range of colours).

    House mouse
    House mouse
    Sewer rat
    Norway rat or sewer rat
    Roof rat or black rat
    Roof rat or black rat

    Signs of a rodent problem

    Rodent proofing tips

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