What Do Termites Look Like?

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    If you want to protect your home from termites it’s important to ask the question, “What do termites look like?” Some may ask, “What do white ants look like?” and this gives us a rough idea. But although termites may look superficially like ‘white ants’, they are not ants at all but are more closely related to cockroaches!

    How to tell the difference between termite and ants?

    Termite worker (white ant)
    Termite worker (“white ant”)
    Black ant worker
    Ant worker
    Feature  TermitesAnts
    Size of workers    Depends on species but between 4 – 10mmDepends on species but between 2 – 8mm
    Colour    White, creamy, mottled colourDepends on species but generally shades of brown and black
    Waist      No obvious waist, giving the appearance of two body segmentsClear waist between thorax and abdomen creating 3 body segments
    Eyes  No eyesObvious eyes
    Antennae  StraightBent (obvious ‘elbow’)

    Ants are often found foraging above ground in the open. It is very rare for termites to foraging this way, unless it is very warm and humid.

    What do termite nests look like?

    Subterranean termites spend most of their time underground, but their nests aren’t always underground. Different species produce different types of nests:

    • Underground nests – these are fully underground and impossible to spot
    • Trunk nests – built inside tree trunks
    • Mounds – can be free standing or attached to tree trunk or rocks
    • Arboreal nests – these are nests made of mud built high up in trees (but connected to the ground by a mud shelter tube

    What do flying termites look like?

    Flying termites or alates are the new kings and queens released from mature nests on warm, humid nights in great numbers. Apart from the wings, they are very different to the worker termites, as they have obvious eyes and are brown in colour.

    When they fall to the ground their wings detach (they are all the same length) and a king and queen will pair off and try and find a suitable site to start a new nest.

    Termite Queen

    The termite queen is the biggest termite in the colony. After the mating flight she is a similar size to the king. However, if they are successful in founding a colony, as here egg production increases over the coming months and years, her abdomen becomes greatly extended.

    Termite Soldiers

    Termite soldiers are different to worker termites as their head is often a darker colour and their jaws are often modified for use in defence. Termite experts use the shape of the head of termite soldiers as a key feature to identify the termite species.

    Baby Termites

    Baby termites are more correctly called nymphs. They look like a miniature version of the adult but are typically very white and less mobile. Normally they are only found in or very close to the nest.

    If you think you’ve spotted termites at your property, it is important to book a professional termite inspection immediately. However, termites are very secretive, spending most of their time underground and well hidden. There, as a homeowner, it is important to also know the signs of termites as well.

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